Thank you for contacting RoadVista. Your RMA number has been emailed to you with detailed instructions on how to send us your equipment .

  1. You are authorized to send the equipment to us. Please print out the email sent to you and put it inside the equipment case.
  2. IMPORTANT: Write you Service Request RMA Number on the outside of the shipping box. Failure to do so may delay the processing of your equipment.
  3. For most standard service and simple repairs, you can expect us to have your equipment between 2 and 4 weeks after we have received authorization to perform the service.
  4. Your order will not be processed until we have received authorization for the quoted price.To speed up the process, you can send the equipment in pre-approved for the service amount by issuing a purchase order the requested service. Standard service prices are listed below.
  5. Send the equipment to:
      RoadVista / Gamma Scientific
      9925 Carroll Canyon Road
      San Diego CA 92131

Standard Service Prices

  Evaluation Fee*
Service Cost
Part Number
 922 $0 or $250* $675 for 24 month validity
 932 $0 or $300* $875 for 24 month validity
 StripeMaster Touch $0 or $450* $1,225 for 24 month validity
 Laserlux G7 $0 or $600* $2,500 for 24 month validity LLG7-AMP-24
 Laserlux G7 Vision $0 or $600* $3,000 for 24 month validity LLG7-IR-AMP-24
 Laserlux G7 Color $0 or $600* $4,000 for 24 month validity LLG7-CLR-AMP-24