NVLAP Accredited Laboratory Testing
As a division of Gamma Scientific, RoadVista has an in-house, NVLAP accredited testing laboratory under the Energy Efficient Lighting Products Program which can test automotive and roadway lights. This includes accreditation for LEDs, Photometric Measurements, Solid State Lighting Luminaires – Total Flux Measurements (Luminous Efficacy) and Solid State Lighting Luminaires – Luminous Intensity Measurements.

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) administers the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP)to provide an unbiased third-party evaluation and recognition of performance. NVLAP accreditation signifies that a laboratory has demonstrated that it operates in accordance with NVLAP management and technical requirements pertaining to quality systems; personnel; accommodation and environment; test and calibration methods; equipment; measurement tractability; sampling; handling of test and calibration items; and test and calibration reports.
Please visit www.gamma-sci.com to review the full scope of NVLAP accreditation.
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